The Dark Knight Rises

This blog is a long time waiting, when I went to see the Dark Knight Rises, the New  trilogy to the newest Batman Movie, it was AMAZING,  even though I wished they would have done a little bit of a  character background with the new and improved cat woman ( like they did with bane). I still like this Kick ass “I don’t give a…” attitude that miss Hathaway brought to the character of cat woman. when other felines before her brought a salutary comedic persona her’s was full on kick ass. And I loved it ! Now it is a long way from her sweet,quirky and at times whimsical girl she played as the character Mia Thermopolis  in the movie “Princess diaries”. I know that it was her breakout roll that made me fall in love with this at times serious actress, but I’m happy that she has come over to the dark side in the moved movie the dark knight rises. I’ve been waiting to finish editing the video  I have for this blog, but I’m just going to post this now in hopes that I will get my butt in gear and post the video !!

Be With Me

Be with me
Be with me
Love me with all my flaws
And all the makings that’s me
Love me and shelter me from the rain
The lightning is coming
I want you to embrace me with goodness and give me all you have
Clinch in my every essence of your truth and love and no matter what
Be with me
I smell the ocean
The wind is gorged
You’re all I want in this life to be complete with
You’re all that could contain me
My meaning in this life has more with you
My purpose is filled with loving you and knowing you
In all the ways you change makes me love you
Makes me want you
Makes me admire you more
For the man you are

And I am changing
And even if this life – our lives need more
We will feel it with all that will become of us
And when we are gone and our ashes are dust
And our spirits fly with the wind
And our souls are nebulas
And the true beings of us are dark holes in the universe
I will still love you
I will still love you
And I will still love you
To be with me.

Simply Poetry

Be with me

Be with me
Love me with all my flaws
And all the makings that’s me
Love me and shelter me from the rain
The lightning is coming
I want you to embrace me with goodness and give me all you have
Clinch in my every essence of your truth and love and no matter what
Be with me
I smell the ocean
The wind is gorged
You’re all I want in this life to be complete with
You’re all that could contain me
My meaning in this life has more with you
My purpose is filled with loving you and knowing you
In all the ways you change makes me love you
Makes me want you
Makes me admire you more
For the man you are

And I am changing
And even if this life – our lives need more
We will feel it with all that will become of us
And when we are gone and our ashes are dust
And our spirits fly with the wind
And our souls are nebulas
And the true beings of us are dark holes in the universe
I will still love you
I will still love you
And I will still love you
To be with me.

Sleep over eyes

Many women sleep in their makeup, I know, I know what the big deal its on Mascara/Liner. Well I don’t know if it’s because it’s not enough time in the day or maybe were just plain-O-lazy. Sleeping in your eye makeup can cause health damage. The clogging of the eye pores, Puffiness, and lines under the eyes being amongst the few. you have to be mindful, the skin around your eyes are the most sensitive on your body, so you have to be treated it as such.

Remember even the eye have pores.

It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep at your computer studying you should always have at least makeup wipes on hand.  even if you like sleep with a pillow what will happen is that , while you’re catching up on your Z’s bacteria is being pushed in from the days makeup. that bacteria is being pushed onto the eye causing infection. one of the biggest faction’s is that all mascara’s and eyeliner are made with wax, which while asleep can cause infection.

Know a lot of you maybe reading this and thinking well, what about waterproof makeup? sorry gal’s but waterproof makeup is even worst, any particles that drop off from the makeup and goes into your eyes can even start redness in the eye which is actually the first stages of the dangers of sleeping with eye makeup on.

So guys just wipe it off! it’s quite simple if you’re using a makeup wipe you can even go  to your everyday drug store and get a brand of cleaning wipes one being from OLAY.

So even though  us girls would love to have that Grungy sexy smokey eye ; like you have been up all night running in the rain with a hot guy. just keep in mind that sleeping in your makeup will cause more harm. So just WIPE IT OFF ! Keep those eyes sexy for another day !

Snow White and The Huntsmen

I went to go see the movie Snow white and the Huntsmen over the weekend, it wasnt a bad movie for one the I belive was both rushed and not truly given the chance to develop naturally. The other disappointment was the fact the Kristen Stewart, barely had any lines at all!

I don’t know if it’s because she wasnt what the director expected and it was too late to get another Snow, But what I will tell you is this. Everything that Kristen Stewart does she puts a little Awkward  tomboy into every roll, even when playing the self proclaimed china glass of a human Bella sawn.

The one aspect that really carried this movie for me were the Graphics and makeup by far. What I was really impressed with was how the artist were  able to still give off a look of flawlessness, and Porcelainity throughout the whole movie (especially the death scene). Now as we know Ms. Stewart is a stickler for her brows, I was really happy with the arch she was given towards the end.


Overall the evil Queen had more smokey eye changes than dear old Snow but isn’t it the way it is anyway?

Check out my Video for a tutorial of Kristen Stewart’s look!

The Foundation of Foundation (Powders)

Foundation can do many things to the skin, depending your skin concerns, one of the most sought out Foundations are mineral based loose powder foundation. Now you must understand mineral makeup can either make or break your  skin its really up to the kind of skin you have and if you  really need it. For one thing anyone who has oily skin will feel great in loose pigment foundation. In the summer, less is better  when you have oily skin. But for the rest of us an oily face can make our pores and imperfections show. Many  things  can happen like clogging of the pores and increased acne. If  you use a tinted moisturizer insteasd you will be creating something like second skin for your self, for oily skin a tint with silcone which can give off a smoother finish can be ideal, silicone is like a band-aid for the skin nothing gets into your pores and the product will sit on the skin exactly where it should . You can finish it for more of a full coverage with a mineral  powder with two star ingredients Zinc and Titanium, both ingredients are self absorbents instead of moving the product around with the more oil. It actually absorbs the oil as the day goes on. Stay clear from any mineral makeup with Talc as an main ingredient , this ingredient is both good and bad, on a fair skin it can give off a illuminating type finish that most girls love. Better know as a glow. But for Deep skin complexions the dueler or in other words Asher your face will look. This is not ideal for someone with and olive skin complexion (Indians, mexican, some Asians) and Yellows and Red complexions can just forget it !( African american, Hispanic) like I said guys the Deeper your complexion the dueler or grayer  the makeup application will look. The best way to test this out if your unsure and if you’re in the store is if they have a sampled product open it, swap some on the side of your hand dont be shy apply at least two applications  let it sit on the skin for a minuet or two, and then move your hand close to the light,  you wont have to look long until the evidence  proves itself.

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